Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC
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Media Centre

Department of Fine Arts

Year of Establishment



• Holistic development of students through co-curricular activities.
• National and International Artists visit the department.
• National and International workshop for better experience of students.
• Excellent results every year.
• Eco-friendly activities create understanding of students with nature.
• Outdoor learning session for practical classes.
• Trip to museums or historical place for understanding to different forms of art.
• Participation and achievements in Youth festival to developments of budding artists students.

Programmes Offered

B.A with Fine Arts (As a Elective Subject )

Faculty Detail

Dr. Akanksha Verma

Department Fine Arts
Designation Assistant Professor & Head of the Department
Qualification M.A., PhD
Teaching Experience 12 Years
Area of Specialization Painting

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Session (2024-25)

The Department of Fine Arts organized a vibrant and joyous Holi celebration, bringing together students and faculty to mark the occasion. The event was graced by Principal Dr. Karamjit Kaur, who spoke about the significance of the festival, emphasizing the values of unity, joy, and cultural harmony. Dr. Kaur highlighted how Holi is not only a celebration of colors but also a symbol of new beginnings, reinforcing the importance of fostering positive relationships and togetherness.

Head of the Department, Dr. Akanksha Verma, also addressed the gathering, emphasizing the role of festivals in connecting students with their cultural roots. She encouraged students to celebrate the festival with respect, understanding, and inclusivity, fostering an atmosphere of creative expression and community spirit.

The celebration served as a perfect blend of cultural tradition and artistic expression, reinforcing the core values of the Department of Fine Arts.

Extra Curriculum Activities

Session (2023-24)

  • Teacher’s Day Celebration
  • Organize Exhibition Cum Sale on the occasion of Diwali with the collaboration of IQAC & EBSB on 24 November, 2023
  • Zonal Youth Festival, GGDSD Hariana
  • Won Ist Prize in Poster Making (Jushvi – B.A.III) in Iner- Zonal Youth & Heritage Festival held at DevSamaj College For Women, Firozpur, Punjab
  • Won Ist Prize in Poster Making (Jushvi – B.A.III) in Inerversity Youth & Heritage Festival at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.

Session (2022-23)

  • Participated in G-2 submit Activities through Rangoli and Poster Making competition.
  • 17th May-30th April, Organize Fine Arts Activities at Summer Camp in College Campus.
  • Students Participated in Rangoli Competition organized by Computer Science Department, DGC, MUK
  • Holi festival celebrated by Ek Bharat Shresht Bharat with the collaboration department of Visual and Performing Arts(Music,Fine Arts, Fashion Designing) and Alumni Association. Singing competition,Rangoli competition, Tie and Die competition were conducted on that occasion.

Session (2021- 22)

  1. Celebrated Teez Festival with collaboration of Youth welfare Department DGC (Competition- Mehndi, Cartooning, Poster making, Rangoli, Folk Song , Ms. Punjaban) on 19 August,2021
  2. Organized Webinar Science of Spirituality With collaboration of Visual & Performing Arts With Youth Welfare Department P.U.Chd (Topic- Taming Your Temper) on 15th November, 2021
  3. Organized Diwali Exhibition cum Sale (FESTIVE ART EXHIBITION) on  1 & 2nd November, 2021
  4. Celebrated BasantPancham through Painting And Kite Making Competition on 18 Fab,2021
  5. Celebrated National Voters day with Collaboration of Buddy Group DGC on 25 January, 2022
  6. Organized KaviSamelanwith the collaboration of Department of Visual & performing Arts on 5thFeburary, 2022
  7. Celebrated BasantPunchami (SaraswatiPujan)Festival celebrated by Fine Art Department, Music& Fashion Designing Department on 5thFeburary, 2022


  1. Organized Exhibition cum Sale on the Occasion of Deepawali on 04 Nov, 2019
  2. Organized Workshop with Chinese famous Artist Yujun Li on water colour techniques. Artist demonstrate the National flower of China in the Workshop on 20 Jan, 2020
  3. CelebratedBasantPanchami, through Live painting and singing event by Dr.AkankshaVerma&Dr.USha& Mrs. ShivaniNarad on 30 Jan, 2020
  4. Celebrated Holi festival by Rangoli Competition on 7 March, 2020
  5. Organized National Online Art Competition on 8 June, 2020

Session(2018- 19)

  1. Celebration of BasantPanchami by Face Painting competation on 16 Feb, 2019
  2. Organized Workshop of Best out of Waste (Trye) Eco-friendly environment with Dr.Usha, HOD fine Arts, Sant Baba Bhag Singh Memorial Girls College ,Sukhanand, Moga on 10 March, 2019.

Session(2017- 18)

  1. CelebratedBasantPanchami through Face Painting and Kite makingcompetationwith the collaboration of Music Department on 22 Jan, 2018
  2. Organied Annual Arts Exhibition Cum Sale event on 12 April,2018

Session(2016- 17)

  1. CelebratedBasantPanchami through Kite Making competition with the collaboration of Music Department on 01Feb, 2017
  2. OrganiedAnnual Arts Exhibition Cum Sale event on 18 April, 2017

Session (2015- 16)

  1. Organized Workshop of Sculpture by Clay with Sculptor Mr.Subhash from chandigarh on 16 Feb, 2016
  2. Organized Mural workshop with Kerala based artists AadarshAppuKuttan, Shaveta and Dr. ManeetKaur on 26 May, 2016

Session (2014- 15)

  1. Organised Art Workshop by artist Dr. SadhanaSangar, HOD Fine Arts, Government College, Mohali on 26 Sept, 2014.


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