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Energy Conservation Committee

Members of the Energy Conservation Committee
Mrs. Shikha Sharma(Dept. of Education)
Mrs. Suman Devi(Dept. of Commerce and Management)
Mr. Parvesh Kumar
Mahatma Gandhi was absolutely right when he said, “the earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed”.

Energy conservation is the practice of using less energy in order to lower costs and reduce environmental impact.

Energy Conservation at Dasmesh Girls College, Chak Alla Baksh ,Mukerian

Our institution since its inception, aims to reduce energy consumption, ensure standard indoor air quality, and improve energy efficiency on campus through methods that are consistent with a safe, secure, and involving the community within the campus. The policy on energy conservation highlights on developing a proactive and progressive approach to providing energy efficient, responsible, and cost-effective operations on campus.

21 March, 2024 

Earth Day was celebrated by Department Of Science in collaboration with Energy Committee of SAP in Multipurpose hall of the college on 21 March, 2024 under the guidance of Principal Dr. Karamjeet Kaur. All the students of B.Sc.(Medical and Non-Medical) have participated in this event.

14 th December 2023

Energy conservation cell celebrates National Energy conservation Day on 14 th December 2023. On this occasion students were made aware on how to conserve energy . All SAP Committee members were present on this occasion.

Being aware of pollution is quite mandatory for all the students these days. In order to become a responsible citizen of the world for future generations, every child should know how human activities are leaving an impact on the environment and nature. Energy conservation cell organized pollution check activity under the guidance of Principal Dr. Karamjeet Kaur on 05/10/2023.

18 November 2022

An Extension lecture organized on 18 November 2022 by Energy Conservation Cell under SAP (Swachhta Action Plan) for creating awareness among students that how we can save energy by taking small steps in our daily life.

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