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Bachelor of Science -Fashion Designing


Eligibility for Admission to B.SC Fashion Designing is 50% Marks in any stream of class 10+2.

Seats: 40


Paper-I Basic of Design-I Paper-I Basic of Design-II
Paper-II Needle Craft-I Paper-II Needle Craft-II
Paper-III Garment Construction-I Paper-III Garment Construction-II
Paper-IV Textile Science-I Paper-IV Textile Science-II
Paper-V Garment Design-I Paper-V Garment Design-II
Paper-VI Basics of Computer Skills Paper-VI Computer Applications
Paper-VII English-I Paper-VII English-II
Paper-VIII History and Culture of Punjab/Punjabi-I Paper-VIII History and Culture of Punjab/Punjabi-II


Paper-I Fashion Illustration on Computer (Practical) Paper-I Fashion Illustration(Practical)
Paper-II Garment Design-III(Practical) Paper-II History of Indian Costumes(Theory)
Paper-III Traditional Textiles(Theory & Practical) Paper-III Traditional Embroideries(Theory & Practical)
Paper-IV Garment Construction-III (Practical) Paper-IV Fabric Construction -II(Theory & Practical)
Paper-V Pattern Making-I(Theory & Practical) Paper-V Garment Construction-IV (Practical)
Paper-VI Fabric Construction -I(Theory & Practical) Paper-VI Pattern Making-II(Practical)
Paper-VII Fashion Concepts-I(Theory) Paper-VII Fashion Concepts-II(Theory)
    Paper-VIII Knitting(Practical)


Paper-I Pattern & Marker Making on Computer-I(Practical) Paper-I Pattern & Marker Making on Computer-II (Practical)
Paper-II Pattern Making-III(Practical) Paper-II Marketing & Merchandising (Theory & Practical)
Paper-III Line Development and Portfolio-I (Practical) Paper-III Pattern Making-IV(Practical)
Paper-IV History of World Costume(Theory) Paper-IV Line Development and Portfolio-II (Practical)
Paper-V Garment Construction-V (Practical) Paper-V Garment Construction(Practical)
Paper-VI Apparel Manufacturing Technology-I(Theory) Paper-VI Textile Printing and Finishing(Theory or Practical)
Paper-VII Textile Dyeing(Theory or Practical) Paper-VII Entrepreneurship Development(Theory)
Paper-VIII Internship(Practical) Paper-VIII Seminar(Practical)
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