Department of Physics is organising an Extension Lecture on the theme of "EXperiments for Physics Teachings" on 1oth June,2022
Department of Physical Education is organising "2 Days Yoga Workshop" for Faculty from 13th to 14th,June,2022
Department of English organising an National SEminar on the theme of Indian Literature and Translations on 21st February,2023
PG Department of Commerce and Management in Collaboration with IIC & Career Guidance and Placement Cell organising an One Day International Workshop on the theme of Women Empowerment in Merchant Navy-Career Option on 21st March,2023
Department of Education in collaboration with waste and sustainability committee has organised an activity for proper segregation of waste materials.
Department of History of Dasmesh Girls College organised Declamation competition on the topic “Women in Freedom Struggle of India “on dated 7 August to 8 August 2023