The study of Botany, dealing with the structure, function, classification and evolution of plants, has inspired many great minds. Plants are unique as solar energy converters and providers of energy for all heterotrophic organisms. It is fascinating to study the wide spectrum of reproductive processes in algae, fungi, lichens, bryophytes, gymnosperms, and flowering plants. A student of Botany has been learning these aspects together with taxonomy, anatomy, plant pathology, plant breeding, microbiology, plant physiology, plant biochemistry, ecology, cytology, genetics, cytogenetics, molecular biology and plant biotechnology.
The vision of the department is to think big and achieve the same with the vision of the faculty and hard work of the students, as told by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam – “To explore and not to exploit the plant world”
Year of Establishment
The Department of Botany was established in 2019 with a view to train the students desirous of learning, understanding, teaching and practicing various aspects of Plant Sciences. There is one laboratory in the Department. The laboratory is well maintained with necessary equipments purchased out of grants provided by Management. The Department is enriched with learning resources such as a specimens, slides & various practice materials
Well qualified staff
Comfortable spacious rooms
Use of Audio Visual Aids
Periodic Tests and Assignments
Botanical Garden with collection and display of wide range of plants labeled with their botanical names.
To offer wide and relevant education to the students with a view of shaping their scientific temperament and environmental awareness and to uplift the students capable of facing challenges in life efficiently and carve their own future.
To impart quality education in the field of Botany enabling our students to confidently face the job market.
To develop a basic scientific skills in identifying & labeling different plants
To sensitize the students towards the need for keeping the environment clean and conserve our natural resources.
To equip young women with aptitude and respect for nature.
To empower them with life skills through effective guidance and counseling
Programme Offered
Under Graduation: Botany as one of the subject in B.Sc Medical.
Botanic gardens are institutions holding documented collections of living plants for the purpose of scientific research, conservation, display and education. In 2018, BGCI (botanical garden conservation international) updated the criteria that define a botanic garden to have a greater emphasis on conserving rare and threatened plants, compliance with international policies and sustainability and ethical initiatives. The garden is generally defined as a place for growing flowers, fruits or vegetables. But botanic or botanical garden is an educational institution for scientific workers and general public or layman to awake and enlightened interest in plant life. The botanical gardens are of immense value not only to botanists, home gardeners, nurserymen, horticulturists, landscape gardeners and foresters but also to millions of national and international tourists.
A botanical garden is an institution for botanical research, especially on the native flora of the region. There should be a herbarium, library, photographic studies, lecture pavilon and recreational facilities. In fact all the fundamental and applied aspects of botany come within the purview of botanical garden and it becomes the centre of cultural activities of the region in which it is situated.It not only helps in conservation and maintenance of germplasm but also provides research material, class work material to faculty and students. The botanical garden is rich in plant biodiversity. It has Gymnosperms like Cycas,Araucaria, Thuja, Cupressus, etc and angiosperms like Arjun, Amla, Neem, Peepal, Banyan tree, Toon, Moringa, Silver oak along with fruit trees (Mango, Citrus, Guava, Syzgium etc).
History of Botanical Gardens:
The gardens are as old as civilization. Man had begun to cultivate plants in gardens, to supply him conveniently with food, to provide drugs, or to grow beautiful flowers. Even very primitive tribes engage in vegetable gardening and often, surprisingly, flower gardening.In India the botanic gardens existed at a very early date probably as early as 546 B.C. The famous Indian physician Jivaka Komarabhacca who flourished during the region of King Bimbisara of Magadh (modern Bihar) from 546 to 494 B.C. made intensive survey of the medicinal plants of India. During the progress of Mughals, East India Company, and British, botanical gardens prospered and with their fall, the garden decayed. Now with India’s independence, they are again coming up. A network of botanical gardens has come up and is functioning throughout the country with intensive botanical activity.
Functions of Botanical Gardens:
The botanical gardens are the natural source of science and culture.
1. Botanical gardens act as out-door laboratories.
2. Initiate studies on the tropical and temperate ecosystems and their biota, before they are lost to science and preserve such systems.
3. Serve as centers of gene pools or germplasm bank of wild relatives of economically important plants.
4. Establish Nature centers and youth Museums to focus attention on destruction of tropical and temperate ecosystem, environmental degradation.
5. Maintain less attractive and abandoned ornamental plants.
6. Train city arborists in the plantation of trees in urban areas.
7. Collaborate university and others to conduct research in environmental biology etc.
8. Organize educational programmes to create environmental awareness among children students and train teachers in environmental education.
9. Centers of conservation of endangered and rare species.
Plant Nomenclature: Identifying the plants in the surroundings is vital to understanding what role each plant can play in the overall development and sustainability of mankind on mother earth. Therefore, it becomes important that each of us is aware of the plant wealth in our surroundings. A step in this direction has already been taken by the Department of Botany. Near about 70 plates bearing plant names viz. botanical names, common names and their family have already been made. Plants in the college campus have also been so labelled to make the students and the staff aware about the flora of the campus.
There are approximately 4819 plants considering all forms (i.e. herbs, shrubs, trees & climbers).
Department of Botany
Designation Assistant Professor & Head of the Department
Qualification B.Sc Medical, M.Sc Botany, M.Phil, Ph.D (Ecology)
Teaching Experience – 7.5 Years (UG & PG)
Department of Botany
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.Sc Medical, M.Sc Botany,B.Ed
Teaching Experience – 3 Years (UG)
1. Mr. Jarnail Singh
Lab Attendant
2.Mr. Chaman
Dept of Botany organised a visit to Citrus Estate Hoshiarpur (Soil Testing Labs & Nursery) on 3 March 2025 for BSc Medical students.
Dept of Botany organised “Medicinal Plant Exhibition” on 14 Feb 2025.
Department of Botany,Dasmesh Girls College, Chak Alla Baksh Mukerian, organized a field visit to RS Organic Farm& Vermicompost Unit village Badhupur Teh Mukerian on 29 Nov 2024 for BSc Medical students.
1. A one day workshop was organized on “MUSHROOM CULTIVATION” . Resource Person Dr.Lakhbir Singh Horticulture Development officer, Dept of Horticulture Punjab.(6 Oct, 2023).
16 Oct, 2023
2. Department of Botany organized Poster Making Competition on the occasion of “WORLD FOOD DAY” on (16 October 2023).
12 Feb 2024
3.An Extension Lecture was organized by Dept of Botany on ‘World Pulses Day’. The Resource Person was Dr. Navjot Kaur GTB Khalsa College Dasuya on 12 Feb 2024