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PGDCA-Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application


As per University norms

Seats: 40

Semester-I Semester-II
PGD-1101 Computer Fundamentals PGD-2201 Object Oriented Concepts Using Java
PGD-1102 Computer Programming Using C PGD-2202 Web Technologies
PGD-1103 Data Base Management System PGD-2203 Software Engineering
PGD-1104 Data Communication and Networks PGD-2204 Computer Based Accounting
PGD-1105 Lab 1(Based on PGD-1101 & PGD-1102) PGD-PR-2205 Lab 3(Practical Based on PGD-2101)
PGD-PR-1106 Lab 2(Based on PGD-1103) PGD-PR-2206 Lab 3(Practical Based on PGD-2102)
PGD-2107 Project Work:

Project will involve Development of Business Application/ Website

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