Re-accredited by NAAC
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Bachelor of Business Administration


A candidate should have passed +2 examination with 50% marks in aggregate in any discipline.

A candidate who has been placed under compartment in the +2 examination conducted by a Board/Body/Council/University in India shall be eligible to seek admission to the First Semester of BBA course, provided he/she fulfills the following conditions:-


  • He/she should have been placed compartment in one subject only;
  • He/she should have obtained at least 20% marks in the subject in which he/she had been placed in compartment and;
  • He/she should have obtained the requisite percentage of marks in the aggregate of the examination as laid down in the relevant


The admission of the candidate with a compartment as indicated above shall be provisional and will be confirmed only after he/she has cleared the compartment in two consecutive chances subsequent to his/her admission. In case the candidate does not clear the compartment at any of the two consecutive chances allowed to him/her subsequent to the date of his/her admission, his/her provisional admission to the course shall stand cancelled.


Explanation :- In case of a compartment candidate, eligibility shall be determined by including the marks of the subject in which the candidate has been placed

under compartment.







BBA-101A/B Punjabi/History and Culture of Punjab BBA-121A/B Punjabi/History and Culture of Punjab
BBA-102 Business Statistics BBA-122 Managerial & Soft Skills Management
BBA-103 Fundamental of Information Technology BBA-123 Essential of Business Economics-II
BBA-104 Management Concepts and Practices BBA-124 Business Laws
BBA-105 Financial Accounting BBA-125 Psychology for Managers
BBA-106 Essentials of Business Economics-I BBA-126 Financial Management
Environment and Road Safety Education


BBA-201 English & Business Communication Skills BBA-221 English & Business Communication Skills
BBA-202 Operational Research BBA-222 Project Management
BBA-203 Marketing Management BBA-223 Research Methodology
BBA-204 Economics of Money & Banking BBA-224 Human Resource Management
BBA-205 Regulatory Framework for Companies BBA-225 Goods and Services Tax(GST)
BBA-206 Direct Tax Laws BBA-226 Data Base Management System


BBA-301 Insurance and Risk Management BBA-321 Business Policy & Strategy
BBA-302 International Business BBA-322 Production & Operations Management
BBA-303 Business Environment BBA-323 Social & Ethics Issues in Business
BBA-304 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management BBA-324 Project Report & VIVA VOCE
BBA-305 Consumer Behaviour BBA-325 Advertising & Brand Management
BBA-306 Sales and Distribution Management BBA-326 Marketing of Services
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