Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC
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Media Centre

Equal opportunity Committee

Members of Equal Opportunity Cell
Dr. Sonia Devi(Head,Department of Punjabi)
Mrs. Satinderjit Kaur(Head,Librarian)
Mrs. Suman Devi(Asstt. Prof. Department of Commerce)
Mrs. Rajni(Asst. Prof. Department of Political Science)


An awareness lecture organized by Equal Opportunity Cell on topic “ Equal Opportunity” on 18/04/2024. This lecture was delivered by Dr.Sonia Devi (Assistant Professor in Department of Punjabi). She addressed the students regarding their social rights, gender equality, evils of caste and creed systems etc. These kind of lectures aware the students in their social life styles.

An essay writing competition held on 11/ 05/23 by Internal Complaint for Sexual Harrasment in collaboration with equal opportunity cell to summer camp students.

1st May,2022

Equal opportunity cell organized an extension lecture on Human Rights With Special Reference to Oppressed Women by Resource person Advocate Brij Bala on 01/06/22.

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